Commercial Aircraft Engineering Services

Our specialty for commercial aircraft is analysis and approval of interior reconfigurations. We provide our customers with experienced and qualified engineering support for all phases of interior reconfigurations. We provide long or short term engineering support on an as needed basis so that our customers can reduce overhead costs and only have engineering analysis staff when it is really necessary.

Hand and Finite Element analysis

We have many existing floor models and analysis templates that allow us to complete your analysis faster and at a lower cost. We can substantiate all floor structure for any reconfigured loads, whether it's seat tracks, floor beams, or intercostals, we have you covered.

Interior Structural and Composite Analysis

Lakeside Aero is your one stop shop for the design and installation of interior monuments. We provide full stress support for the design and installation of interior monuments and stowbins, including weight and balance, interface loads, and full substantiation reports. It doesn't stop there, we will ensure that adequate support structure is installed to support the monuments or guide you on the design of a typical support fittings and/or intercostals, as well as provide full static and damage tolerance review and approval for their installation.

Aircraft Structural Analysis and Modifications

Our analysis capabilities don't stop at interior reconfigurations, we are experienced with the analysis and approvals of floor beam splices, frame repairs, SRM deviations, major repairs and alterations, new Electrical Racks, crew rest installations/removals, and more.

Damage Tolerance Evaluations

We evaluate all interior integration installations and structural modifications for the effects on the damage tolerance of the aircraft. When required a full damage tolerance evaluation will be completed and approved by our contract DER's. We are your one stop solution for both Static and Fatigue analysis.